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Next Generation Science Storylines

Supporting teachers in developing, adapting, and teaching with strongly aligned NGSS materials in classrooms around the country
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Districts, schools, and teachers across the country are working on implementing a new vision for science classrooms based on the Framework for K-12 Science and NGSS: classrooms in which teachers support students in science and engineering practices for building and using science ideas to explain real phenomena and solve real problems. 

A core challenge is the lack of curriculum materials that reflect the dramatic changes in this vision. Traditional textbooks, lesson plans, and units are not up to the challenge. Educators are finding that they need to find, adapt, or create new curriculum materials to support this 3D approach to science learning. 

To help meet this challenge, the Next Generation Science Storylines project is dedicated to providing tools that support teachers in developing, adapting, and teaching with strongly aligned NGSS materials in classrooms around the country.