NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

Boise State Noyce Scholars' Service at a Distance

Presented by:
Jan Smith

Boise State University Noyce Scholars engage in a service requirement each semester.  Our typical options for scholars to engage in community service were quickly stripped away as the global pandemic took hold.  As a result, we came up with some creative and unique options for our Noyce Scholars to engage in service, at a distance.  Our video will highlight a few of our service projects from the 2020-2021 school year including virtual seminars on STEM topics, STEM to Them video production and materials preparation for K-6 students from Title 1 schools to engage in STEM at home, as well as creative attempts at recruitment using student-made videos. 

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Scholars
Grade Level
Middle School
Higher Ed
Broadening Participation
Informal Learning
Remote Learning
Published Date
May 2021
Published In
2021 STEM for All Video Showcase
Subject Area