NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

Bringing the Maker Movement to Elementary School Science

Presented by:
Irina Lyublinskaya
Sharon Cameron
Jarra Dandrea
Rebecca Lugo

The Maker Movement provides a project-based approach to STEM education that integrates curriculum standards across STEAM subjects. The Master Teaching Fellows Academy at College of Staten Island partnered with Staten Island Makerspace with the goal of improving science teaching at elementary schools in order to engage all students in learning science in meaningful and relevant to them way. The Makerspace mission to “expose the children in the community to careers in science, engineering, and new technology because they are pathways out of poverty.” aligns very well with the goals of our NSF project. In the first year of our project, we worked closely with the staff of Makerspace to educate MTFs about Maker Movement and how to create Makerspace in their classrooms. As part of this professional development, MTFs had two sessions at the Makerspace where they planned and tested the projects they designed for their students. This year each MTF is bringing their students to Makerspace to complete the projects they designed last year as part of standards-based science curriculum. Starting next year, as our MTFs are learning how to become science leaders, they will be preparing to deliver their own professional development workshops at the Makerspace for the teachers in their schools, therefore expanding this experience to all students in title I schools involved in our program.

In this video showcase our MTFs will share their experience at the Makerspace and impact of this experience on teaching and learning science.

NSF Award(s): 1657755

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Master Fellows
Grade Level
Teacher Leadership
High Needs
Published Date
May 2019
Published In
2019 STEM for All Video Showcase