NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

Collaboration Beyond Preparation: Developing Lasting Support

Presented by:
Stephanie Arthur
Allan Feldman

This video will present to viewers the innovative approaches used by the Robert Noyce USF Scholarship Program for Science Majors (DUE-1439776) to educate new science and math educators to teach in our region’s high needs schools. Our project has served as an arena of self-reflection for past and present Noyce scholars engaged in a community of practice (CoP) that uses journal club based action research to explore how their beliefs regarding the roles their identities, home lives and socio-cultural experiences play in STEM teaching. Our goal in engaging them in this process is to improve their preparation as new teachers for increasingly diverse middle and secondary STEM classrooms. The video will present the Noyce scholars telling their own stories, which will center on their participation in the various social, educational, and research initiatives funded by the Noyce grant. These include opportunities for current and past scholars to socialize and engage in professional networking, the development of information sessions and courses including CoP-based action research. The stories will be told by representatives from current preservice Noyce scholars, those who are in their final practicum, and those who have been teaching for one or more years. In addition, the video will provide a brief overview of how we engaged and continue to engage the current and past Noyce scholars in a CoP that focuses on transforming their teaching practice to better serve a highly diverse and low-income student population in our region’s schools.

NSF Award(s): 1439776

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Scholars
Workforce Development
Teacher Network
High Needs
Published Date
May 2019
Published In
2019 STEM for All Video Showcase