NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

Competency Performance Recording for Learning (CPR-L)

Presented by:
John Coleman

Competency Performance Recording for Learning (CPR-L) is a teaching and learning process that “resuscitates” learning of the analytical process of problem solving. It’s development began during LUs initial (NSF) HBCU-UP grant (2003-2008), aimed at correcting some of the teaching and learning problems students experienced. Too many students were achieving less than 40% pass ratio in STEM college introductory courses. Pre- and post-testing data from 12 years of testing our pre-college math and science program participants, as well as pre-testing results of entry level university STEM students, suggested systemic math and science deficiencies. Further, among a large number of incoming students, test results demonstrated a marked lack of comprehension with “reading problems.” Likewise, their responses, when attempted, demonstrated a troubling shortfall in the ability to express thoughts coherently or logically. Although unacceptable, class grades and learning issues mirrored that which was documented by a number of sources. The CPR-L process incorporates tasks and exercises aimed at impacting retention of information, understanding of course concepts, maintaining the integrity of the problem-solving process, and exorcising bad learning habits. The process includes exercises that: 1) Thoroughly understanding the problem before proceeding to solve it. 2) Following problem solving process and protocols. 3) Writing something down to aid in conceptualizing- sketching the concept of problems. 4) Speaking aloud when possible to engage the auditory learning channel. 5) Multiple repetitions of applying concept/ process. 6) A simulated going-to-the-board experience which provides an opportunity to dissect the problem solving process. 7) Teaching/demonstrating the concept in a simulated teaching exercise. The student records the problem solving process, and the a/v output reveals how well a student understands and can apply key course concepts, and where intervention is needed.

This process is being continuously refined, and is currently being applied among participants in LU's Robert Noyce STEM Teachers Scholarship program (NSF-1439848).

NSF Awards: 1439848

Presented in: 2021 (see original presentation & discussion)

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Scholars
Noyce Research
Grade Level
Higher Ed
Instructional Materials
Published Date
May 2021
Published In
2021 STEM for All Video Showcase
Subject Area