NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

Exploring Noyce Teachers’ Social Networks and Self-Efficacy

Presented by:
Meltem Alemdar
Christopher Cappelli
Jessica Gale
Shaheen Rana
Steven Taylor

This exploratory study, supported by the National Science Foundations' Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program through Track 4 Noyce Research, focuses on examining factors influencing the retention of early career teachers in America’s high-needs schools. Drawing on a sample of Noyce Teacher Fellows, the study investigates the role of teachers’ personal networks and self-efficacy on teacher retention in high-needs school settings. Specifically, this study focuses on early career Noyce Teachers by exploring: (1) whether and how Noyce teachers’ personal networks and self-efficacy impact teacher retention in high-needs schools; (2) whether and how individual Noyce project characteristics impact teachers’ personal networks, self-efficacy, and retention.

By identifying factors that influence Noyce teachers’ retention in high-needs schools, the study aims to enable Noyce programs to anticipate and address these factors in the future. The network survey consists of items regarding the characteristics of others in teacher network (alters) and relational characteristics of the tie between the respondent and others in their network, and the strength of collaboration between the respondent and various members of their network.

This research contributes to education literature on how teacher personal networks, support structures, and self-efficacy related to teacher retention. In addition to developing a new instrument to explore teacher networks,  this research also illustrates innovative methodology (social network analysis) to explore the relationships among early career Noyce teacher networks, self-efficacy, and retention.

NSF Award(s): 1660597

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Research
Teacher Network
High Needs
Early Career
Published Date
May 2019
Published In
2019 STEM for All Video Showcase