NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

Integrative STEM for Teachers of Young Students (iSTEM4ToYS)

Presented by:
Sharon Brusic
Nanette Marcum-Dietrich
Taylor Neuman
Jennifer Shettel

Researchers in the iSTEM4ToYS project are exploring how to best prepare Pre-kindergarten to grade 4 (PK-4) teachers for Integrative STEM (iSTEM) teaching and learning. The project is based on the premise that early childhood educators who are enthusiastic and confident in integrating STEM into their teaching are crucial to engaging students early and motivating them along a path to become the next generation of STEM innovators, workers, and knowledgeable citizens. The grant targets Millersville University (MU) undergraduates enrolled in the Integrative STEM Education Methods minor as part of their PK-4 teacher preparation program. The overarching goal of this project is to determine which component(s) of the iSTEM minor at MU have the greatest impact on these future teachers. Investigators are exploring which research-based features of MU’s iSTEM program are the most significant transformational elements that may increase the likelihood that undergraduates who complete the minor will effectively integrate iSTEM techniques in their future classrooms. By evaluating which features have the maximum impact, researchers will be able to improve their teacher preparation program and make recommendations on how to replicate these outcomes at other teacher preparation institutions, thereby contributing to an understanding of how to better prepare PK-4 teachers as competent and passionate iSTEM educators. This video provides an overview of the iSTEM4ToYS project which kicked off in August 2016.

NSF Awards: 1611652

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Research
Grade Level
Higher Ed
Integrating STEM and CS
PD Models
Addressing NGSS
Published Date
May 2017
Published In
2017 STEM for All Video Showcase
Subject Area