NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

Preparing Master Teachers for STEM Digitally-Rich Teaching

Presented by:
Cynthia Callard
Raffaella Borasi
Zen Borys
Michael Daley
Yu Jung Han
Dave Miller
Michael Occhino

The Developing STEM Master Teachers to Lead Digital Conversion in K-12 Schools Noyce project is preparing a cadre of 20 “digitally-rich” master teachers.  Our goal is to leverage the potential of digital technologies to improve STEM teaching, while also capitalizing on K-12 districts’ interest in instructional technologies as a catalyst for change.  To maximize their impact on systemic reform, participants come from seven high-need districts within the K-12 Digital Consortium - a partnership between the Center for Learning in the Digital Age at the University of Rochester (UR), local BOCES and over 20 school districts committed to technology integration. The project also benefits from a partnership between the Rochester Museum & Science Center and the UR education school and STEM departments.  

The project’s first two years were devoted to preparing Fellows to leverage technology in ways that truly transform their STEM classrooms.  To achieve this goal, we designed a sequence of three semester-long graduate level courses, along with a Practicum experience supported by mentors.  The sequence purposefully started with a course revisiting foundational goals, principles and practices about learning and teaching STEM.  The second course focused on using digital technologies to enhance specific teaching practices, with a focus on assessment, conveying content, making thinking visible, promoting collaborative learning, and differentiating instruction. The third course aimed at uncovering the power of specific technologies to transform not only how we teach, but also what we teach in STEM.  Our video features this course sequence, bringing in both designers and participants’ perspectives.

NSF Awards: 1758243

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Scholars
Integrating STEM and CS
PD Models
Published Date
May 2020
Published In
2020 STEM for All Video Showcase


Profile picture for user Joni Falk
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Joni Falk

Great presentation!

I really like hearing about the sequence of courses, and also seeing the different ways that teachers are incorporating their new expertise in their classroom.

Tue, 08/04/2020 - 7:28 PM