NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

SDSU's MTFs: Advancing Tchr Leadership in Urban Settings

Presented by:
Lisa Lamb
Talia Latona-Tequida
Donna Ross
Meredith Vaugh

Follow the journey of one of our inspiring Noyce Master Teaching Fellows who is an elementary teacher with a passion for teaching mathematics and science. He shares both his experience in the first year of the program and his hope that he will become a STEM leader at his school site through working with the National Center for Urban School Transformation. His journey highlights the potential for the positive influence of the project on our Fellows, their colleagues, and students. Through this MTF's eyes and commentary by two project leaders, the video provides an overview of the project's teaching and leadership practices that serve to support diverse students' learning.

NSF Awards: 1950335

Presented in: 2021 (see original presentation & discussion)

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Master Fellows
Grade Level
Middle School
High School
Higher Ed
Broadening Participation
Published Date
May 2021
Published In
2021 STEM for All Video Showcase
Subject Area