NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

STEM for English Language Learners with Lehman College-NWHS

Presented by:
Serigne Gningue
Gillian Bayne
Sunyata Smith

We are presenting The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for English Language Learners (STEMELL) program as implemented at New World High School, a school for newcomers. STEMELL (2014-2019) is a five-year BA-MA Noyce Phase I Program which prepared highly qualified science and mathematics teachers to teach ELLs in mainstream urban high-need secondary classrooms. This innovative school-centered and needs-based model consisted of reform-based efforts that provide induction and epistemological growth supports that produced demonstrated positive impacts on teacher competency, and on the science and mathematics achievement of high-need, low-performing urban students in grades 7 through 12. STEMELL overarching goal is to strengthen the understanding and implementation of critical elements inherent to carefully crafting and enacting pedagogical practices that are aligned to meet the teaching and learning needs of this special population of students.

The STEMELL program sought to provide participants with a rigorous teacher-preparation and certification program that included opportunities beyond university subject-major coursework, a rigorous internship experience, Saturday seminars, additional advanced coursework, direct support through mentorship opportunities, availability of project staff who facilitate access to resources, and support with job placements.

Sixteen STEMELL Scholars have now graduated with BA/BS and are teaching in high needs schools with three of them at New World HS. In this video, two of the scholars describe their special training and how they are impacting one of the schools highlighted and visited by NYC Mayor as having one of the highest graduation rate (90%) while offering several high advanced placement courses.

NSF Award(s): 1339981

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Scholars
Grade Level
Middle School
High School
High Needs
Published Date
May 2019
Published In
2019 STEM for All Video Showcase