NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

Teacher Leaders: Hands-on STEM Lessons During the Pandemic

Presented by:
Amanda Gunning
Terri Agravat
Lindsay Chudoba
Maureen Corrigan-Connell
Christian Esposito
Kiowa Garcia
Kristen Napolitano
Anjinette Piccirella
Anny Vanegas

In this NSF-funded Track 3 Noyce Master Teacher Fellowship program, K-12 STEM Teacher Leaders share how they were able to support hands-on STEM learning for diverse learners despite the incredible stress and demands of teaching in high-need schools during the ongoing pandemic. Fellows serve high-needs districts in the NY metro area, hit hard by the pandemic. They sought opportunities for students to connect with one another to start to heal the damage done from pandemic isolation. To keep students engaged, support social-emotional learning and drive STEM understanding and skills, Fellows created opportunities for collaboration and creativity for both in-school and at-home learning. Students returned to school without being ready for new content, forgetting study skills, and in some cases, needing to relearn how to behave and interact in the school setting.  Fellows leveraged hands-on STEM activities to make social-emotional learning connections in STEM experiences, some drawing in families and others helping students to learn how to connect with one another in person again. Projects engaged students in the classroom with content to get students talking and learning together, in person again. Many of the Fellows’ projects involved other teachers and classrooms, helping to make a difference in more children’s lives and help return vibrancy to their schools. The Teacher Leaders’ efforts demonstrated their commitment to supporting students’ development and STEM learning.

NSF Awards: 1758317

Presented in: 2022 (see original presentation & discussion)

Grade Level: Grades K-6, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Scholars
Grade Level
Middle School
High School
Integrating STEM and CS
Instructional Materials
Broadening Participation
Published Date
May 2022
Published In
2022 STEM for All Video Showcase
Subject Area
Computer Science