NOYCE Videos

Noyce Videos

Discover 3-minute videos from projects funded by The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program that highlight their work recruiting & preparing STEM majors & professionals to become K-12 teachers.

Virtual Science Teaching Strategies in Response to Pandemic

Presented by:
Sabrina Stanley
Cynthia Sunal
Dennis Sunal
Rachel Tawbush

Developing Leaders in Science Teaching (LIST) (NSF-DUE-1660557) is a transformative science teacher development program addressing the induction of STEM professionals into their early years as an inservice teacher. The program provides 15 science graduates/professionals with bachelor’s degree majors in biology, chemistry, or physics with a master’s degree, secondary science certification, and an extended induction program in LEAs where they finally locate. The aim is to fast-track participants in a strong clinically-based program with an emphasis on developing their skills in engaging diverse students. The program has the goal of moving its teachers from mentored novices to teacher leaders in the education community through long-term mentoring via Professional Learning Community teams. Some important questions for which data are collected include characteristics of successful recruits, impact of the PLCs on teacher retention and growth in leadership, and the effectiveness of in-service Fellows as science teachers compared with non-Noyce teachers. LIST will have a broad impact on the science teacher workforce, addressing a critical concern in high-needs schools. Its impact will demonstrate a transformative model constructed through a 3-way collaboration between new teachers, professionals in the university, and professionals in the field. The LIST model demonstrates the use and upgrading of existing infrastructure to enhance research-based science teacher education program development. This video showcases some virtual science teaching strategies these LIST Fellows crafted in response to changes in the classroom due to the current pandemic.

NSF Awards: 1660557

Presented in: 2021 (see original presentation & discussion)

Related Leadership Program
Noyce Master Fellows
Grade Level
Middle School
High School
Higher Ed
Addressing NGSS
Broadening Participation
Published Date
May 2021
Subject Area