Theme of the month

Theme of the Month

Join us each month as we focus on a topic of interest to STEM Teacher Leaders with a webinar panel, open discussion, resources and blog post. 

Discussion: Integrating Emerging Technologies into Teaching Practice

In this facilitated discussion, we will discuss the challenges faced and strategies employed by teachers when attempting to integrate emerging learning technologies into their classrooms. We invite your participation! (This discussion is now closed.)


Profile picture for user Noelani
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Noelani Ogasawara Morris

Collaboration between Teachers and Researchers in the Classroom

It was so exciting to be part of the discussion to listen to and share about the positive impact that teacher collaboration with growing research integrating technology has on our students and ourselves as teachers who are continually growing as learners.  For me, the deep level of learning that my students gained from engaging in the STEP research project with Noel Enyedy and his team empowered my students to see themselves as change makers in our world and develop empathy for other significant and important living creatures in our community, such as bees. 

Listening to the ways that the other panelist were using tools of collaboration to engage students in learning always excites me to want to continue to take the "risks" of trying out new technologies- no matter what the turn out, the students always gain the experience of sharing their input and problem solving ways to get their ideas across. 

Thu, 02/11/2021 - 5:04 PM
Profile picture for user wmartin
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Wendy Martin

Participating in research on emerging technologies

Thanks to everyone who joined our webinar yesterday about Integrating Emerging Technologies into Teaching Practice! I hope the panel made it clear how valuable teachers' expertise is when conducting innovative research and development. I would love to hear from teachers who participated in the webinar or who have viewed the video:

How could you imagine the emerging technologies presented in the webinar benefitting you or your students? What challenges would arise? 

I look forward to hearing from you!


Thu, 02/11/2021 - 5:14 PM
Profile picture for user ito18266
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Ibidunni Osundare

Smart Technologies in 2015

The STEM alliance exercises are for kids' inspirations at school semester and camp summer. Our volunteers and we engaged the astrology activities for standards in summer annually. Astrology has questionable actions, such as technology, traditional craft, origami, study the smart innovations. The frog's lab was attractive for students to work in sections of further doctors. They could create frog's lesson plans and descriptions to help smart technology works. The educational technology wonders from essential to advance courses for kids in smoother and better years. Thanks for sharing in past Wednesday of this week. Thanks!

Fri, 02/12/2021 - 4:00 PM