February Expert Panel: How Teachers Measure Their Impact as Leaders
Recorded February 4, 2020 at 7:30PM EST
Description: In this theme of the month Expert Panel, we explore how STEM teacher leaders can support leadership development by assessing their impact and sharing their stories. The Panel delves into the following questions:
- How did the Expert Panel see themselves as teacher leaders — and demonstrate to the others the import of leading without leaving the classroom?
- How did they begin to lead efforts to transform the practice of teaching in their schools and districts and influence the policies?
- How did they tell their story – including the tools and processes they used— to convince colleagues and administrators of their importance of teacher leadership?
- How can teacher leaders assess their impact?
- How can you begin to lead tomorrow — by examining your own network — and letting others know of your impact?

Barnett Berry is a research professor at the University of South Carolina, where he is the founding director of ALL4SC a newly funded initiative to marshal the resources of an entireR1 institution of higher education in service of high need school communities as defined by those from the community. Barnett’s career includes serving as a high school teacher, a social scientist at the RAND Corporation, a professor at UofSC (in the 1990s), a senior state education agency leader, and senior consultant with the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, leading its state partnership network which later led to his founding of the Center for Teaching Quality in 1999. CTQ launched the nation's first virtual network of teacher leaders, and has remained steadfast in its efforts to ignite change from inside of the public education system by supporting those who work most closely with students to drive the transformation of teaching and learning. Barnett has authored a wide array of policy and research reports, journal articles, and commissioned papers — all focused on advancing knowledge of the teaching profession, teacher leadership, and improving public education. His two books, TEACHING 2030 and Teacherpreneurs: Innovative Teachers Who Lead But Don't Leave, frame a bold vision for the profession's future.

Jaraux Washington is currently a middle school science teacher in Tampa Florida. As a public school teacher, she has developed several initiatives centering around student activism, mentorship and teacher leadership. She has been a Keynote speaker, national, state and district trainer and curriculum writer. Jaraux also has served as a member of several education organizations such as The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Teacher Advisory Council, Center for Teaching Quality and National Geographic's Teacher Advisory Council.

Jeff Milbourne is a nationally recognized STEM educator (awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching in 2013, and a former Einstein Fellow), researcher, and policy advocate with experience in the federal legislative process. Interested in problems that occur at the intersections of research, policy, and practice. Committed to building relationships across communities.

Lori Nazareno is a former science teacher of 2 years and a dually certified National Board Certified. After designing, and taking the lead in bringing into form, the Mathematics and Science Leadership Academy, a teacher-powered school in Denver, she joined the staff at Center for Teaching Quality(CTQ). In her role there she supports educators to engage in similar transformative work so that public schools can better serve all students. Connect with her at lnazareno@teachingquality.org.